Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Well as most of you read, we have 9 new puppies. They are 3 weeks old as of Friday. Well I gave in and we are keeping one. Kody wants to act tough and say that he didn't want to keep one, but I know him very well :-) See she is the runt, and I always have a thing for the "underdog" *(no pun intended there). Anyways, this is Blondie. Or we think that is her name. I like it kinda. See my friend Sara was going to get her, and then I was an "Indian Giver" (I can say that I'm Native American!) and wanted her back. So she was a little upset, but she still loves me. And that is where her name came from. Or that is where Blondie came from. Plus Kody wants to make her an inside dog. Which is a big deal because we have a cat that is a demon...but maybe this will help. If any of you guys have any ideas for a cute girl name for a dog leave a comment. I'm up for anything. I have a feeling that she is going to be the new duck dog for Kody, so something maybe not like too girly :-)

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