Friday, August 31, 2007


Here is a new image I did of Kelsie today. I am still working, working, working! I have so much to get done, but I felt like posting this. I bought some new stuff and this is one of them!! Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Ok...this will be short and sweet....I will be blogging TONS the rest of the week :-) I have a been a bad blogger lately, and I have orders I need to get out and proofs I need to get done. So when that is finished I will have some new stuff to post here!! Thanks to everyone for checking out my blogs and leaving know that makes my day!! ;-)

Monday, August 27, 2007


I wrote about Michael on my personal myspace, but I felt the need to write about him here. Michael is my best friends little brother. We have been friends since 6th grade, so I have known him since I guess he was about 5. He joined the Marine's right after he graduated. He graduated this last year, and 4 days later went to boot camp. He just got home Saturday from boot camp and we are all so proud of him. He is only home for 10 days, he will then be going back to San Diego for 3 more months of training. Then he will be home. I have so much respect for people that are in the military though. I thank God for them everyday. I was just so happy to see him though...3 months feels like a very long time!! :-) We are proud of your Michael! Here are a couple of pictures from him getting home. They aren't that great because they are just snap shots, but he is supposed to come in to get some pictures done while he is home, and I will post those too. Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


I got this from Lauren Clark's blog...yes I stalk her blog (hehe) I think she is a wonderful photographer. She is 2 years younger than me, and I think that is why I love her stuff. I am slowly getting where I need to be with photoshop...yes I photoshop :-) Just about everything because it is the BEST and GREATEST tool ever created for photographers. If you get a chance go check her out. I want to go to a new workshop and she and 3 other girls have one...we will see :-) I'm thinking Sara and I need some more training...I'm also thinking that we will take pictures of each other this weekend to photoshop :-) She just doesn't know it...and yes I am now rambling....ok

Here are 8 things about me

1. I hate blow drying my hair...but after I do I love my hair.
2. I hate doing dishes.
3. I don't eat lunch till about 1 every day. I try to do weight watchers, and so far I have done no good at it!
4. I love Coach purses...and my collection involves 1 so far :-)
5. I love flashy jewelry.
6. I tell it how it is. I don't try to make people feel good...I tell them when it looks bad, and I hope they do it to me...but I do it nicely!
7. I LOVE to mystic tan, but I haven't in a while because I have been so busy at the studio.
8. I LOVE TV! I watch UFC every night...(not by choice) but I am obsessed with Patrick Dempsey so I never miss an episode of Grey's Anatomy...I don't care what he does on the show...I still LOVE HIM!

Tag, you're it! Blog your 8 quirky answers and leave a link in the comments section!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

The Jacksons

Here is the Jaskson Family. They are sooo fun! I have known Margaret through my mom because they worked together, and I thought it was the coolest thing that she asked me to take their family portraits. Her husband and sons are hilarious, so it doesn't surprise me that after a hot portrait session they decided to jump in the pool! I got a great shot from it too! Thanks guys...I had the best time!

New Poll

Hey Guys!

I have a new poll at the end of my blog as the go and vote and let me see who visits the most :-)

Friday, August 17, 2007


This is little Finley. This baby is gorgeous! She comes from a beautiful family so it isn't hard to see where she gets her looks from! I love her mom, and her whole family for that matter. I thought it was so nice for them to come to me. I think they turned out beautifully! Thanks so much guys for letting me photograph her!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Ok...I LOVE Kelsie! This is a little teaser for her :-) Kelsie is my kind of girl. Straight forward, to the point, speaks her mind. She kinda reminds me of myself a little. I did her and Eric's pictures this year also. (They were my first post) And now, I am doing her Senior Pictures! Well these are just a few of the portraits that we did, on my couch! I Love my couch too...I have this thing for are the pictures enjoy! I also disabled the comments where you have to be a member of to now ANYONE can comment!! Fun Times! Comment away makes my Day!! :-)

(oh and did I mention how much I love Kelsie? :-) She is a Senior Celebrity and doing a great job at it!!)

Monday, August 13, 2007

There is only ONE YOU!

"You have no competition because there is only ONE of you on this earth. Embrace that fact and let it carry you in your art, your business, and your confidence!"-- Mike Colon, Photographer

I thought this quote was wonderful. Sometimes I think that my work isn't good enough, or that I am doing something wrong because it is different...but you know I don't think that is the problem. The problem is that I have to have faith in myself...and in order to do that I have to have faith in the Father. I have come to realize that my work is what it is. I LOVE what I do! I work hard at what I do...and I think my work shows it. I pray daily that our business will continue to prosper. So for any other photographer out there that feels this way this quote :-) It just made my day!


It seems so funny how I feel like I just started college. No I didn't graduate, but one of my best friends, Sara did, and my cousin Katy. I couldn't be more excited for them. I have a couple of classes from getting my degree and I plan on finishing...just gotta find the time! Anyways, Sara graduated from DBU (Dallas Baptist University) with a BA in Communications. Katy graduated from TJC with a LVN degree. Sara will be joining me at Memories By Brooke, so I wanted to post some pictures of the 2 new graduates. Congrats girls! I'm proud of you! (And for the note...I do realize that I am wearing the same outfit...I just love that dress :-) )

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Kylee and Benjamin

Ok...last post for the night then I'm off to bed! Early morning tomorrow. I have another one year old that I have, and I can't wait! I love the cakes and just little ones! It seems I have been doing tons of that lately! This is Kylee! I think she has the cutest smile. We also took some of her brother Benjamin. They are beautiful children and I loved doing their portraits. Kylie reminds me of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's baby, Shiloh. I think it is the pretty lips. I LOVE babies! Just not any for Kody and I for a while :-) I like having them in the studio for an hour, and then sending them home. Gotta love my job!!


This is Kambryn. She is soooo cute! (Does anyone see a pattern here?) I did Kambryn's one year pictures, but I didn't post this because I wanted to wait until everyone saw them for her birthday. So, here are a couple of her from her session. Pretty little Kambryn!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Rotary Club

I wanted to post a couple pictures and let everyone know that I was inducted into the Rotary Club in Canton! Yea for me!! :-) I'm excited about being a part of the community. I heart my job!! :-)

Memories By Brooke MySpace

Hi Everyone!!

I wanted to let everyone know to go check out our Memories By Brooke MySpace!! Go leave a comment, or add a friend :-)


Monday, August 6, 2007


ok I know it is super late, and I should be in bed, but I want to post this of baby Hailee. I LOVE this kids eyes! I think she is beautiful and has a head full of hair! I will post more tomorrow. I have been so busy running around lately. Time to get back to work...well I have been working, but time to get back to blogging :-)

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


We (Kody and I) did the band WHISKeYFISH, pictures on Sunday afternoon. I don't hardly ever do anything on Sunday, but they needed it done and I wanted to do their pictures, so we agreed and got it done. Things have been so busy around here I haven't had that much time to blog, so I wanted to post this real quick for a preview.