Sunday, June 17, 2007

Keri & Benny

Well it is now about 1 in the morning, my husband is sleeping and I am here on my blog...blogging about the wedding that we just did and thinking about how BEAUTIFUL it was!! Keri and Benny are actually friends of ours, but they didn't have to get us to do their wedding...but they did and it was the best time ever! Their wedding was at the Japanese Garden in Ft. Worth, and if you have never been there, you need to go and visit. The scenery is so gorgeous. Back to Benny and Keri though :-) Their wedding was so sweet and perfect for them. The day started out raining and I was praying that it would stop for us to get pictures...and it did!! I understand how she was feeling though. It rained...actually came a MONSOON on our wedding day...but I have heard that it is supposed to be good that is good for us, and for them. The day did clear off and the wedding was beautiful and we got some great shots of Benny, Keri and Kali (their daughter). I know that Kody and I had a great time, seeing friends and being able to be a part of their wedding!! We love you guys and thank you so very much!!

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