This is Reese and she is ONE! I did Reese's pictures a little while back, but I wanted to post a couple. She is so cute and I love her big sister Emma too!! They are wonderful children and very fun! Thanks guys!!
This is Isabella. Her family calls her Bella though and I LOVE that name. She is a beautiful little girl who is full of energy! I enjoyed this session (as I do all of them!) But she was such a two year old. Busy, busy, busy! But that is what makes them fun too! Thank yall so much for letting me photograph her!
This is Krissy & Colten. Krissy & I are friends, so it was an honor for her to ask me to do their pictures :-) She wanted something different and fun and outside...which I will say is my favorite!! So I had a blast and the outcome was great! I haven't had a chance to make anything different out of these, but I loved these :-)
I was talking to Sara on the phone Sunday and I was saying how I was going to go up to the shop and work for a little while. She had told me that morning how she looked cute, but I was sick and thought nothing of it. Usually when we say this to each other that means that we are wanting out picture took. LOL. Yes we can be crazy and silly, but it was fun and made me feel better from being sick. I had been watching some show about modeling that day, and got some good ideas from there. Here are a couple of Sara's "modeling" poses :-) Enjoy!!
Yes it is a Sunday and I am at the studio working. I haven't been feeling very good this weekend so I didn't come in Saturday and I thought I would use tonight to get caught up on things. Kody went duck hunting all this weekend, so I have time tonight to get some stuff done. Here is the first thing I have finished for the cheerleaders. I had alot of fun when they were here. They are all beautiful so it is so easy to get a wonderful picture of them :-) I don't know if they look at my blog, but if they do here are some of the pictures that we took! Enjoy!!
I meant to post this yesterday but it slipped my mind. Sarah said that if you mention that you saw the info on my blog that she would give everyone $5.00 off their registration fee! Sounds call or email her today and mention our blog!! I haven't been feeling very well today so I didn't come in...sorry if you stopped by!! Hopefully I will be well by Monday to make it back in :-) I'm sure I will though...sick or not :-)
Well we have new puppies!! They are a week old tomorrow, so I took some pictures of them yesterday, because Kody's original Lab, Jewel has cancer so we don't know how long she has to live. So we took pictures of Jewel yesterday and while we were doing that I took some of the puppies...I'm pretty sure I just repeated myself, but either way I wanted to post some pictures.
The 2nd Annual Little Miss Canton Pageant will be November 3, 2007 at the Van Zandt Farm Bureau this year! Memories By Brooke will be taking the pictures this year for the event. The Deadline if you are interested in this event is September 28th!! So be sure to email Sarah at or call (903) 848-8651. So call Sarah today!! Thanks!!
Well...we always go to the Athens Rodeo and afterwards they have a concert. This year was Gary Allan the first night, and the second night was Cross Canadian Ragweed. I have this thing for Cody I told Sara to take her camera so we could take pics. She wanted to go to the front, so I went and took pics...because when I do that I am in my own world anyways :-) Here are some of the ones that I thought turned out so stinkin' awesome!!
Presley came to visit again for her 3 month pictures :-) She is I wanted to post a couple really quick...I love this little girl! So cute!
Well my wonderful friend Sara and I decided that we would have a photoshoot becuase I have been on Lauren Clark's blog and LOVED the pics she did. So however, we decided that we would try something new....not just like hers, but something different. So we started out in the studio and got we went outside and took some at night time!! I LOVED these! They turned out so awesome! Not that I am the greatest subject but I LOVED these! Ok...enough about "LOVING" stuff.... :-) Here they are!!!
The things I love most in life....
Being creative...
zebra print...
mexican food...
being the first in line...
my Jeep...
my camera...
my studio...